Sunday, October 20, 2013

I have an addiction, oh noes!

Hello, my name is Petal and I'm an addict.

To what you ask? Hair. Skin. Shoes. Clothes. Jewelry. More or less in that order. Much of the time my reach exceeds my grasp when it comes to these addictions. This probably defends my inventory from severe addiction overload but oh! If I was a Lindenaire... there would be no stopping me.

What brought on this confession? Oh, well...Catwa released Jessica Rabbit hair... and Jessica Rabbit costume and I am in love. What else? Ploom is having a sale on hair for the next week or so, 13 percent off! Wasabi Pills released some great new hairs too. One makes me look like one of those German beerfest girls, all I need is one of those beerfest dirndls to complete the picture. I'm sure other hair makers will get into the act too because I swear they all plan on when they decide to torture us poor addicts with releases just when we don't have two pennies to rub together.

Haven't they heard there's been a Gov't shutdown in the US? *pouts like I'm five*

I have a strict budget for my SLness, I have a very generous amount I spend in sl every two weeks ish... but I always blow through it so fast. *sighs*Candy fair pretty much ripped through a good part of it. Then there was Fameshed which had some things I've been hankering for since the first of the month, then there was Collabor88. You see my point?

I also bought two skins, several jewelry items, about four fatpacks of shoes (because I don't like wasting money by doing it piecemeal), lots of clothes etc. *sighs* I don't think this addiction is ever going to leave me. It's so much fun!

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