Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Stripes and Roses...

Do you ever just feel tired of everything? It's not depression, it's not loneliness, it's just... a feeling of tiredness. That's how I feel today.  I've been sick with stomach flu and this is exhausting.

Day before yesterday I hit up the Cosmopolitan Sale Room and this morning I went to the Pure Sale Room. Here's a little lookie loo.

I'm always on the look out for cute tops and mix and matchable items. I picked up two of these little stripey roses tops in different color ways. The top is from IAF at the Cosmo Room and was only 40L a pop. Everything at the Cosmopolitan Room is 70l or less so well worth a little visit. Here's the Cosmo blog if you want to take a look at the rest of what's on offer for this round.

I'm also using poses I picked up at the Cosmopolitan Room, the Urban Princess sets 1 and 2 by Eternal Dreams.

I got a little artistic with this first picture, hope you like it.

I'm wearing pants from Gawk with this top, the Black Tweed trousers that come with 2 different choices of cuffs and of course you can pick up appliers for Phat Azz separately. (Bear in mind I wear the Ghetto Booty and as I've said already a few different times, it's quite easy to set up appliers for Ghetty Booty from Phat Azz appliers.)

Here's some shots of the total look as they say. :)

I'm wearing an older skin and hair today, the skin was a previous Dressing Room Fusion offering from Al Vulo (gosh I love their skins) and it came with all appliers including for slink hands and feet. It's the Cara Icy Fairey skin.

The hair is from Analog Dog and is called Ais, it's available in the SALE area of Analog Dog/Point B for 75L per color set and I'm wearing the Sepia color from the Light Blondes set. Incidentally although this hair does come with full bright turned on, you can turn it off in texture settings quite easily and that's what I did. I also resized it a bit for my head.

I'm wearing a necklace and earrings by Ryca as well as my usual piercings and lashes etc. I found Ryca after seeing a picture with something from there and I actually tried to buy out the place because they have so many attractive items there. :)

And finally I want to call attention to my shoes. I know we've seen various versions of these shoes but I really think the way Mon Cheri did these heels is fabulous and funnily enough that's what the shoes are called - the Fabulous heels.

The hud that comes with these, not only controls skin tone but also the little foot tattoo as well as the shoe texture and colors of heel tip, heel and sole.  I bought the "Full Collection" pack and I'm pretty sure that the total pack was under 500L, with all these options to me that's a steal.

Sorry I don't have much else to say. Right now my stomach is doing some flippy flopping and growling from the flu I mentioned earlier. Please take care! I also want to thank the Old London Docks feed for adding my blog to their list. I'm so grateful!

Please click the read more below for all the slurls and details of my look. Thanks for reading!

Pic links for bigger views. 1, 2, 3, 4

The details

-my basics
shape by Belissima - very modified from the original
mesh lashes by Mon Cheri - MC Falsies set 1
mesh hands - Slink - Casual set
eyes - Ikon - Promise mesh eyes in Glass
mesh breasts by Lolas - Tango Mirage
mesh booty by UL - Ghetto Booty 1 

skin by Al Vulo - Former Dressing Room Fusion offer - Cara Ice Fairy (not sure it's available in the regular shop yet, hands/feet/booty/breasts appliers included)
hair by Analog Dog - Ais in Sepia

top - striped roses top in red by IAF available at the Cosmopolitan Sale Room currently
pants - Black Tweed Trousers by Gawk (appliers sold separately but worth it to buy both because then you have 2 choices of pant cuffs)
shoes - Fabulous Pumps by Mon Cheri

tat layers -
eyeliner - glitter double noir by Mock Cosmetics (I think this was a group gift so I'm not sure it's in the shop - but other great items are there)
lipstick - Ginevra deep red by Izzies worn under 
lipgloss - milkshake from the pout pink collection by Pink Fuel
nail polish - silver dip vivids by Klepsydra
earrings and necklace - H-F platinum by Ryca
piercings - stellar and quixotic by Cute Poison

poses are by Eternal Dreams at the Cosmopolitan Sale Room - Urban Princess Set 1 and 2

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